Austin Town Hall:”...their new work has these perfect little guitar lines, shimmering,
but not too far into the gaze realm...”
tart Track: “...this delicate beauty is faded further into a frothing fizz of white noise distortion that acts
like sonic fog for the listener to get lost in”
Various Small Flames: “Nostalgic dream pop tones and Berman’s fond vocal style possess a real sense of sincerity“
Release Radar: “
Happy Songs
is a compact EP stuffed full of catchy hooks and jangly guitar.”
Rosy Overdrive: “exactly the kind of sturdy, subtly impressive
collection of reverb-y, poppy indie rock tunes
that I’d write more about”
Shoegaze Blog: “always catchy, well played and, above all, engaging, like Beach House with
the wind in stern or Raveonettes refined, but not too much.”
Mp3 Hugger: “‘Seagull Season’ is so me...”